Cocaine Addiction - History and Treatment
In the 1980s the United States suffered a drug addiction epidemic. Yet, it was not the very first epidemic of cocaine addiction in the country. The initial epidemic in the U.S. appeared in the first 1900s when cocaine was a legal substance and exalted as a "miracle drug" that might cure many ailments. It had been a typical ingredient included in many early consumer products. Indeed, consumers embraced it, however, not without deleterious effects. Cocaine addiction began becoming a problem, especially on the list of elite who could readily spend the money for elixirs and tonics containing the cocaine. By 1914, the Harrison Act was passed and cocaine became a federally regulated substance. The Act made cocaine use illegal without a medical prescription. Further, medical prescriptions were heavily regulated and monitored.
Advanced drug and cocaine addiction treatment centers can be found with modern tools and integrative programs that may address the emotional, physical, psychological, and neurological real cause of the cocaine addiction. New brain scan technologies and neuropsychological tests can determine chemical imbalances in the torso and help to produce an individualized treatment plan for each patient centered on his unique test results.
Cocaine didn't seem to become a problem in the united kingdom following the Harrison Act until it started to surface again in the 1960s. In 1970, Congress classified cocaine as a controlled substance, making it illegal for street use but nonetheless offered to physicians for medical use and treatment. Essentially, the classification recognized that cocaine might cause addiction and dependency-related problems and was a risk to the general public. By the 1980s street usage of cocaine was abundant and cocaine addiction had develop into a national epidemic. Later, cheaper forms of cocaine called "crack cocaine" started to emerge, making the drug wide spread and readily available to the public.
Cocaine addiction has serious consequences. Someone dependent on cocaine usually believes he is able to control the drug at first and not become addicted. Yet, he finds himself losing control sooner or later throughout the addiction, causing problems with work, family, and his health. Long term cocaine use might have devastating health consequences, including death.
One-size fits all plans of care are outdated and offer minimal results. For an effective and sustainable recovery from cocaine addiction, a sophisticated drug and rehab facility specialized in neuroscience technology and integrative care is recommended. If you or someone you understand is fighting a drug addiction, seek help today.