hiv post exposure prophylaxis singapore
Ahead of having a HIV home test you ought to take some time to relax. Like the majority of people who get tested for the very first time you could be fearful and anxious. Remember that you're not positive or negative until an examination is completed on you. It will, therefore, be important to keep strong and positive. Human Immunodeficiency Virus usually attacks the immunity system of its victims. HIV then weakens the device until it is not able to react diseases.
Once the Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection enters its final stage, AIDS, the victim's body won't fight life-threatening conditions any longer. For this reason all people who think they could have been subjected to the virus should at the least do a pep hiv home test. Although there's no permanent remedy for HIV victims, they could live longer and healthier lives with the aid of medicines.
What transmits the HIV?
One thing you have to know is that this virus is available only in the torso fluids of an infected person. Body fluids can include breast milk, saliva, anal fluids, vaginal discharge, blood and semen. Urine and sweat cannot hide this fragile germ. No surprise even the absolute most basic HIV home test available now will detect HIV in saliva and blood.

So, just how do people catch these germs?
The leading reason for HIV and AIDS throughout the world is irresponsible sexual intercourse. If a person does either vaginal or anal intercourse without a condom, they might catch HIV or other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). This includes men who have anal intercourse with other men. Besides sexual contact, the HIV could be transmitted via contaminated injecting tools, such as for example needles.
Syringes can as well hold the bug. Drug abusers and those that use steroids while sharing injecting equipment could easily transmit the virus. All women who're suspecting pregnancy today should do a HIV home test. By so doing they'll know their status and if infected they'll protect the innocent fetus from getting infected as well. Mother to baby infection occurs through breast milk or during delivery. Although the danger of contracting HIV through oral intercourse or shared toys for intimacy is substantially low, it's still there.
How to know your status
The quickest and most confidential way to understand your status is via a HIV home test. You will find over-the-counter testing kits throughout world these days. Sometimes you can get PEP or post-exposure prophylaxis. That is an urgent situation anti-HIV medication that's fond of people who have recently enter into contact with the germs. It must be taken within three days of suspected risk event. Like the majority of people you most likely do not want to go to an area clinic to be tested. An individual like you can get the Over-the-counter HIV home test kit.