Muscle Without Protein Powders
When I was in my own late teens, I should have gulped down gallons of protein powder mixes. Months worth of allowances and part-time work went into buying gain weight products. Fact of the problem was that most of the products did not perform a gosh darn thing for me. All of the formulas with powdered milk, powdered soybeans and sugar just gave me gas and acne. A few of the powders were actually designed as meal replacements to greatly help people LOSE weight. Similar to underweight guys, I usually believed that more was better and force fed myself significantly more than I needed.

The issue with many protein powders and meal replacements is that they cannot benefit many people.
First of all, a few of the cheaper protein powders don't even mix well with water or milk. They need a mixer and even then, the powders taste like chalk dust. These powders will often coat the large intestine and give you constipation. You might be better off just flushing them down the toilet.
Second, if you have milk or egg allergies or intolerances, the human body will reject the powders made from milk, eggs and sugars.
Third, the human body can just only absorb so much protein at a time. The typical average person can just only absorb 20 to 30 grams of protein at a time. So, the guys knocking back 300-400 grams of protein each day are over working their kidneys for nothing.
Don't get me wrong. There are some good protein powders on the market. I purchased some at work or whilst in the bush. They are an excellent pick-me-up, although not meant to be always a meal replacement. When you have some protein powder, ensure there's some fat in it. This can be milk fat, coconut oil, etc. Some labels boast of now containing triglycerides. Well, triglyceride is just a scientific name for fat or oil. Without fat, one can actually poison oneself with too much protein.
So, before you spend an excellent chunk of your pay check or allowance on protein powders, try just eating something skinny to fit light just after your workout. I came across something as cheap and simple as some cooked brown rice, cooked peas and cheese or a chicken sandwich, gave me better recovery and muscle gain than guzzling protein shakes. Call me cheap, but I recently felt better as well. Even a simple kiwi helped me recover while instructing 3 cardio kick-boxing classes in a row. The fruit replaced the muscle glycogen (body's sugar) and spared the muscle from wearing down to energy. So even complex carbohydrates can assist your weight gain. Note: buy some cheap tupperware and keep carefully the snacks with you.
Try these plan:
BREAKFAST (yes get up 20 minutes early and have an excellent breakfast)
Eggs and oatmeal. Water or tea. Disregard the processed breakfast cereals.
Mid-morning break (If you still cannot eat breakfast or if you're hungry)
Fifty per cent of a beef, chicken, egg or fish sandwich. (Skip the chips and chocolate bars)
Beef or chicken stir fry or salmon salad. Brown rice.
Beef, poultry, fish. Vegetables (steamed, stir fried) Baked potato.
Oat muffin, oatmeal, soup. NO SUGAR 1.5 hours ahead of bed time.
While a radio operator in the army, I even gained weight following a simpler eating plan:
Juice or water. Maybe eggs and oatmeal if I would definitely perform heavy labour that day.
Meat, salad and steamed vegetables (followed by a 20 minute nap).
Meat, vegetables, salads and maybe a small desert.
(In bed by 10 p.m.)
Having a vulnerable stomach, I came across that TWO good sit back meals each day brought me faster gains than force feeding myself 6 small meals a day. More is not better. I was also running at the least 2 miles 5 days per week and weight lifting twice a week.
Much of my success from going from 120 pounds (54 kg.) to 155 pounds (70 kg) was less what I ate, but what Used to do NOT eat.
Feel free to send me feedback or your personal success stories.