hiv screening
Before I start, permit me to state that proper screening won't prevent disease but can detect a disease earlier and give the very best chance of overcoming it.
1. Breast cancer screening - The cause of breast cancer aren't completely understood, but it's now widely believed that genetic and hormonal factors are the principal risk factors. Nowadays majority of breast cancer patients are diagnosed consequently of a lump or change in the consistency of the breast tissue and abnormality seen on a mammogram. Early detection of breast cancer has greatly generated improvement in survival rate, because small the condition the less likely it spreads to lymph nodes and other organs like lungs and brain.
Every woman between 20 and 35 are encouraged to go for a clinical breast examination by a health professional once every 3years while anonymous hiv testing age from 40 and above should undergo mammography screening every 2years. It's the capacity to detect a lump between 2-3years before they start feeling the pains.
2. Cervical cancer - This starts as abnormality of cells on cervix and or even detected early or treated, it gradually invade normal cells of the cervix and the surrounding tissues or lymph nodes which eventually spreads to the rest of the body. If these lesions have not invaded normal cells of the cervix, treatment really is easy and straight forward. Since pre-cancerous changes of the cervix usually do not cause pain, they're not easily detected unless a female takes a routine pelvic examination and pap test.
This screening test should begin from age 21, because it's effective both in early detection and prevention of cervical cancer. Recently the FDA has approved a vaccine called GARDASIL for girls and women involving the ages of 13 and 28; it offers immunity against 4 strains of HPV which can be the virus that's generally regarded because the leading reason for cervical cancer.

3. Skin cancer - Recent researches demonstrate that the rate of occurrence of skin cancer, especially in women can not be over emphasized and that the absolute most dangerous form has been identified to be Melanoma. It is just a malignancy that affects the cells that creates pigment in the skin. Skin cancer risks have already been proved consistently to increase with over contact with the sun and sunburn. Routine screening of skin cancer by a physician and other medical care professional can go quite a distance in detection of this disease and early treatment could be effective.
4. High blood pressure screening - The persistent elevation of systolic blood pressure of more than 140mmHg and diastolic blood pressure of more than 90mmHg. It usually occurs when the blood pressure is forced through the arteries at an elevated pressure. It's prevalent among adults between 35-60years old and it could result in cardiovascular disease, stroke and kidney failure or even properly managed. The good thing is that high blood pressure could be treated by regular monitoring and screening of the blood pressure to 120/80mmHg in adults. But without adequate treatment, the complications of high blood pressure can handle reducing the expected life of women and consequently of this all necessary preventive measure to lessen the blood pressure should be embarked.
5. Screening for Type 2 Diabetes - This kind of diabetes account for over 806 of diabetic diseases in men and women. Here the thing is resistance to insulin rather than insufficient production of insulin and consequently the human body cells are not able to function properly. Early screening of type 2 diabetes has significantly assist in detection and reduced amount of some risk associated with the disease. Diabetes is everywhere and more folks are now being diagnosed everyday with statistics showing over 20million people in United States to be diabetic and the quantity still increasing.
6. Cholesterol level screening - Cholesterol is just a waxy, fat-like substance that's present in cell membranes and transported in the blood plasma of animals. But a advanced of cholesterol in the blood is just a major risk factor of coronary heart disease, which could cause heart attack. Every woman must have their cholesterol checked one or more times every 4years and any woman with a family group history of heart diseases is always advised to go for screening every 2-3years.
7. HIV screening test - Once HIV enters the human body, it damages the human body by destroying specific blood cells CD4+T cells which are crucial in aiding body fight diseases. Researches demonstrate that some individuals managing HIV may appear and feel healthy for a long time, however if they feel healthy HIV continues to be attacking their bodies. Early detection of HIV infection and immune protection system monitoring can greatly improve long-term health and knowing your HIV status can help you change behaviors that will place you and others at risk.