Hair Loss Singapore
You'd be naive to think the biggest secret ladies in the UK save yourself from their husbands is new shoes. Many keep their hair loss problems in the closet too.
It might be surprising but hiding new shoe purchases in the rear of the wardrobe or beneath the bed or cheating on a partner is indeed yesterday - when it comes to among the biggest secrets UK women want to hide from their husbands, partners and boyfriends.
"One lady in her early thirties stumbled on her first two appointments for Hair Loss Treatment Singapore and then threatened not to come back anymore unless I provided a right back door entrance to enter the clinic. She was worried and adamant she did not want her husband to know she was losing her hair and didn't wish to risk someone recognising her coming into the clinic just in case they told him!"
"I wanted to send her hair loss treatments in the post direct alternatively but she was too scared just in case he opened the parcel. She now sends her friend in regularly to grab her hair loss treatments", reveals a Trichologist.
Women seeking help and professional advice for hair loss problems is the new hidden purchase most females want to help keep top secret from their other half's. In desperation, women will extremes in order to avoid being seen with their Trichologist.
One in three women, over age 16 suffer hair loss in the UK at some amount of time in their lives - the most typical age ranging from 25 to 45-year old.

Mrs Salter from the West Midlands said "I requested a bank card especially to fund my hair loss treatment bills, so my husband wouldn't begin to see the Trichology clinics name on our joint bank statements."
"It is like having an affair but with my Trichologist", she adds.
Trichology is a professional field under-exposed and which few individuals are familiar with, even though it has been around since 1902 in the UK. The professions name arises from the ancient Greek work Trikhos meaning hair and is defined because the'Science of scalp and hair in health and disease '. It's no surprise; women are finding it really easy to conceal their embarrassment from their partners to hide their hair loss treatments.
You will find significantly less than 50 full-time Trichologists in practise throughout the UK who professionally advise on hair loss problems and scalp related issues in both men and women. Problems Trichologists can help with include; Alopecia Areata & Totalis, Diffuse Hair thinning, Female Pattern Baldness, Telogen Effluvium, Seborrhoeic Dermatitis, Scalp Eczema & Psoriasis, Seborrhoea, Scalp Itching and Hair Breakage & Damage.
Is women's hair loss treatment the new Botox? When botox was initially introduced in the first 1980's it absolutely was an unspoken whisper between females who wanted a treatment or cure for their wrinkles. Now, women are almost proud to admit they have popped out to own their latest Botox injections or a little chemical peel inside their lunch hour. So will treatment for women's hair loss ever be accepted as topic of conversation on a girls night out or between girlfriends and their husbands? Or are woman going to keep to attend extreme lengths to cover up their relationship with their trichologist?