anonymous hiv testing
With HIV testing, there is an unofficial stigma attached with the process, which frequently prevents many people from being tested. However around we decide to steer clear of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), HIV has got the potential to pose as an important threat to life. Such circumstances, if something as convenient as a house HIV testing kit was available as an option; could you nothing like to try it?
The significance of a hiv test singapore could be encapsulated in quite a straightforward fact. If this isn't used in time and the HIV status is as yet not known, the virus could lead to AIDS. On the other hand, if the infection is diagnosed in the early stages, requisite medical treatment could possibly be effectively used to stop any serious ailments. Thus it is really a matter of being aware and this is where in fact the HIV home testing kits now can be found in handy. There's you should not visit a doctor for the test and the task could be carried out in the comfort of your house and as often as you want.
All that's necessary is really a drop of blood extracted from a clear finger, that is enough for your home HIV test and the outcomes can be purchased in ten minutes. An HIV test kit is very safe to use. Moreover, your home HIV testing kit is very accurate. However, while reading the outcomes, keep one important fact in mind. The HIV test checks the blood sample for possible HIV antigens. These HIV antigens could be detected only after 3 months of infection. Thus for accurate results, at least 12 weeks would be needed from the time of possible contact with the HIV infection before the test should really be used. There's also a minor possibility that it might take more compared to the stated time span of 3 months to detect the HIV antigens.

Your home HIV testing kit is specially useful for those who have experienced unprotected vaginal / anal / oral sex, or have experienced a tattoo or body piercing with dirty needles, or have shared hypodermic needles. In some of those situations there is an opportunity that HIV could possibly be transmitted and thus utilising the HIV testing kit, is a wise call.
The listed causes of HIV infection shed enough light on the possible prevention routes. In order to avoid the HIV testing kit or the menace itself, always opt for safe sex i.e. use condoms. If you need to undergo any medical treatment, make certain fresh needles are used. Likewise for drugs, don't ever share your gear. HIV infection travels through body fluids like blood, semen, breast milk, etc. But an embrace or perhaps a kiss or a massage, cannot lead to HIV transmission.
If your home HIV testing kit shows that you've been infected, don't contemplate it as a death sentence. HIV infection could, but certainly not lead to AIDS. So even though there are HIV antigens in your blood, AIDS is not confirmed. Actually, many individuals who are HIV infected are leading very normal lives. So without panicking, get an appointment with your GP who will refer one to a specialist. The best treatment, at the proper time, can prevent any fatal conclusions.
So if you have even the slightest doubts as to whether you are HIV positive, without thinking any more, buy an HIV testing kit as this easy test could eliminate all negative possibilities and also pave the way for the proper length of action.