Wart Removal Singapore
During pregnancy period, normal immunity of the human body becomes weak and exposes the in-patient to a wide spectrum of diseases. Reason of this susceptibility may be the gestational immune tolerance, meaning the lack of immune response from the developing fetus and placenta. A person contaminated with Human Papiloma Virus may develop warts as of this time. If the in-patient already have warts on her behalf body, they might spread to other parts of the human body or escalation in its number rapidly. This informative article highlights the most effective wart removal techniques in pregnancy.
The treatment of wart removal singapore is an arduous task. Lots of the effective medicines found in the treatment of warts cannot use during pregnancy, as it may affect the development of fetus by retarding the growth or sometimes leading to fetal death. Nevertheless, there are numerous alternative treatment techniques to cure warts during pregnancy. The dermatologists prefer natural remedies as the most effective wart removal option in pregnancy as the natural medicines are completely clear of side effects.
Treatment of common wart during pregnancy
Common warts are harmless and the therapy procedures do not cause complications. The strong medicines like Salicylic acid, Imiquimod, Veregen etc and treatment methods like Cryotherapy, Immunotherapy and electrocautery should really be avoided as it cause serious health issues to the developing fetus. The very best wart removal technique is by using duct tapes or following natural remedies like vinegar treatment, banana peel, potato rub etc. If the wart isn't spreading, it is way better to start treatment after the delivery and lactation period.

Treatment of Plantar warts during pregnancy
Plantar warts are the rough warts seen in the pressure points of feet. The individual may experience pain while walking. The safest way to treat plantar wart during pregnancy is the application of apple cider vinegar. The affected foot needs to dip in a tumbler filled up with apple cider vinegar for 5 minutes a day. Repeat the procedure for weekly or even more until the wart become black. Once the wart turns black, we could easily remove the Wart. Soon after the procedure, apply duct tape for 2 to 3 days. This treatment procedure is one of the finest wart removal techniques to cure plantar wart during pregnancy period.
Treatment of Genital warts in pregnancy:
Genital warts spread mainly through sexual intercourse. These are the most dangerous and contagious form of warts. Usually Genital warts do not affect pregnancy, but may spread over more area causing some disturbances in urination and sometimes become more serious, since the warts may appear within the anal and vaginal canal. If such conditions occur, treatment should start immediately to cure the warts before delivery. If the disorder left untreated, the illness may spread to the newborn from the vaginal tract during the time of delivery. The most popular medicines found in the treatment of Genital warts like Imiquimod and Podophyllin aren't safe to use during pregnancies. Therefore, all of the dermatologists prefer Trichloro asetic acid and Bichloro asetic acid as the most effective wart removal chemicals to treat Genital warts during pregnancy. The task really is easy:
· Apply asetic acid entirely on the warts.
· Keep the region open for some minutes to become air dry.
· Repeat the procedure every week until the wart disappears completely.
This procedure should carry out by a professional dermatologist as any simple accident can cause many serious damages to the reproductive tract and associated organs. If the medicine fails to eliminate the Wart, LASER treatment can help to ease the condition. Surgical removal of warts is the greatest option if all modes of treatment procedures fail to eliminate warts.