post exposure prophylaxis
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is one of the most dangerous blood borne pathogens which can be transmitted via infected blood, semen, breast milk or vaginal secretions. The chance of HIV infection from an injury from needle stick, open cut, splash of blood or body fluids into mucous membranes is less. Body fluids like tears, urine, saliva and sweat don't transmit this virus, unless there can be viewed contamination of blood. If you are a health care worker, you might have the risk of experience of HIV. However, you are able to protect yourself from the risk by following some tips.
Tips For Health Care Workers
1. Universal Precautions
Your danger of experience of post exposure prophylaxis may be reduced significantly, in the event that you universal precautions. You should assume that all blood and bodily fluids are infected with virus and use barriers like gloves and goggles, whenever you anticipate to come to contact with blood or other body fluids.
2. Wash Your Hands
You should wash the hands and other exposed skin parts soon after contacting with blood or potentially infectious bodily fluids. You should flush water into the delicate mucous membranes to prevent the risk of infection.

3. Handle Sharp Instruments Carefully
You should handle and dispose needles and sharp instruments during and after use. There are a few safety devices that help prevent needle stick injuries. You need to learn how to utilize them properly. Many injuries like cuts and needle sticks occur, while disposing sharps. You should follow the right methods, which include safety disposal of sharps in appropriate containers and labeling them.
4. Post Exposure Management
If your skin puncture has occurred, while treating or giving care to a HIV patient, you ought to wash the area with soap and warm water immediately. If mucous membranes have already been splashed by blood or body fluid, you ought to rinse the area thoroughly with water.
5. Seek Medical Attention
In the event that you suspect that you've subjected to infected blood or body fluids, you ought to seek medical attention immediately. If you have a cut or skin puncture, your doctor may advice to obtain a tetanus toxoid booster. In addition, anti HIV medication may be prescribed.
6. Post Exposure HIV Prophylaxis
Your doctor may recommend one to take some medications to minimize the risk of developing HIV. You might need to go through bone marrow evaluation. Tests will be taken to analyze the event of your kidney and liver. The tests will undoubtedly be repeated at regular intervals. Early post exposure HIV prophylaxis can reduce the risk of infection considerably. Even if infection occurs, prophylaxis can reduce the growth of virus and slow down the length of HIV disease.