std check up Singapore
This step combines both medical science and technology to develop a brand new mode of sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing through the use of mobile phones. This step would be to encourage more individuals into STD testing and prevent the illness that is believed to cause more quantity of deaths round the world.
It's been incorporated in UK to curb the number of rising cases of std clinic Singapore among younger generation. Cellular phone and computers are one of the popular modes of communication so better utilize it to the fullest. A brand new technology is being developed costing more than $6 million, where people could test them because of this through mobile, computer, chip and saliva or urine sample.
The procedure is simple. Those who suspect having any kind of STD symptom would keep saliva or urine sample on the chip for testing. The computer or the telephone would test sample for numerous sexual infections through nanotechnology and micro fluidity, and the effect can be acquired within a moment.

It's simple as pregnancy test done at home. Even when someone tests positive, he or she receive treatment information. Often people especially teenagers shy away from going to doctors and have this tested, and this test is good for them.
The truth is these cases are steadily rising in UK in past few years. Number of cases was 482,696 in 2009 and the graph signifies upward trend. So it's essential that intelligent and innovative methods employed to prevent disease and reduce quantity of occurrence. Many people in this generation especially teenagers under 25 are tech savvy and this age group must be targeted.
Researchers believe this technique is most beneficial to improve quantity of screening test for sexual active individuals and their partners, and thus reduce this cases.