std screening Singapore
When is the correct time to discuss genital warts? Uhm... "never" comes to mind, but that's taking the easy way out. Unfortunately, there are numerous problems that could arise if one is having sexual intercourse. One of those problems is genital warts. They're very common, believe it or not. Currently there are over twenty-five separate medical problems that are classified as a sexually transmitted disease or even a sexually transmitted infection. Each one of these includes a unique group of symptoms and treatment options.
In this informative article we shall discuss genital warts. For sure, it doesn't paint an agreeable picture in the mind's eye, does it? Yet they are available, waiting to strike, in abundance. In this informative article we shall discuss what are they exactly, what type of symptoms to be looking for, and what type of treatment can be acquired for them. Let's begin at the beginning...
What are genital warts? Often, genital warts will be the std screening of a larger medical issue called human papillomavirus (or HPV for short). This virus is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States of America. To create matters a whole lot worse, there are over forty variations on HPV. HPV may cause devastating effects in untreated individuals including cervical cancer and infertility in women. Therefore, anyone with these warts ought to be tested for the human papillomavirus at a professional STD clinic when they could be.

As with other viruses, after you test positive for this there's no removing it. It can only just be treated and kept under control. This includes a minimizing or even a disappearance of most symptoms-including genital warts. HPV is really common it's believed that if an individual is sexually active due to their entire lives sooner or later they will become infected. This is a daunting fact, but it's reality. No-one ever said that something which feels so good (sex) would be responsibility free! Most of us doing sex have a major responsibility to your health and to the health of our partners and loved ones.
What are the apparent symptoms of genital warts? Genital warts are pretty obvious unless they are saved internally, as in in the vagina. Typically one may have genital warts visible in, on and around their sexual organs and anus. As previously mentioned above, they could also erupt within your body, as in the cervix or urethra. When genital warts are visible they resemble little irregularly shaped cauliflowers up close. When looking at them regularly they will resemble small bumps. It is important to thoroughly inspect your genitals often when sexually active. If you find something which doesn't look right, or you've a burning or an itching, it is important to visit a professional STD clinic.
Where exactly will genital warts typically be on the average infected individual? On women the areas are: the lips of the vagina (both inside and out), in the vagina and cervix, and around the rectum. In men the areas are: anywhere on the shaft of the penis, scrotum and opening of the urethra, and around the rectum. They can be found in the mouth and extending into the throat, but this really is atypical.